钢琴乐谱 •
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寂 静 之 声(The Sound of Silence)
词/曲 :西蒙 原唱:西蒙&加芬克尔
Hello darkness, my old friend,I've come to talk with you again,Because a vision softly creeping,Left its seeds while I was sleeping,And the vision that was planted in my brainWithin the sound of silence.In restless dreams I walk aloneNarrow streets of cobblestone,'Neath the halo of a street lamp,I turned my collar to the cold and dampWhen my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon lightAnd touched the sound of silence.And in the naked light I saw吉客G-600&《The Sound of Silence》Ten thousand people, maybe more.People talking without speaking,People hearing without listening,People writing songs that voices never shareDisturb the sound of silence."Fools" said I,"You do not knowSilence like a cancer grows.Hear my words that I might teach you,Take my arms that I might reach you."But my words like silent raindrops fell,And the people bowed and prayedTo the neon god they made.And the sign flashed out its warning,In the words that it was forming.And the signs said, 'The words of the prophets are written onthe subway wallsAnd whisper'd in the sounds of silence.![](http://www.hsgq.net/uploads/285/ef7ca056cd81e7f1a93426ffba7770d3.jpg)
《寂静之声》曾于1967年作为电影《毕业生》的主题曲,也于2009年作为电影《守望者》的插曲,以及2013年作为电影《激战》的插曲。在长达半个世纪的时间里,屡次被不同时代不同国家的导演们搬上大荧幕,足以证明这首歌曲在人们心中的影响力。20世纪六十年代是美国社会发生剧烈变革的时代,人们走上街头和社会长久以来的不公抗争。民权运动风起云涌,反战思想和运动蔓延全国,人们渴望摆脱政府的束缚和欺骗去追求自由、和平与爱。与此同时,在思想界、艺术界爆发了新的思潮,大师们纷纷开始带领人们开创新的世界,摇滚乐也在这样的浪潮中发展壮大,成为当时年轻人表达思想的最主要方式之一。 然而这一切,在保罗·西蒙创作这首歌曲的时候,还在酝酿之中。人们想要表达却无法发声;情绪和思想却早已蔓延,无法控制,空气中弥漫着新旧冲突即将爆发、紧张压抑的气氛。保罗·西蒙(Paul Simon)和加芬克尔(Garfunkel)的《寂静之声》在这样的时刻唱响,也唱出了当时被称为“垮掉的一代”的孤独,唱出了一种不知道该何去何从的迷茫。![](http://www.hsgq.net/uploads/285/4e93e4ecf4cec5a77ab4535ac972c304.jpg)
这首乐曲旋律飘忽、舒缓且低迷,歌词充满了一种幻觉般深邃而细腻的意境。细细听来,仿佛在诉说着年轻的无助,又在传递着年轻的躁动与不甘。眼前似乎浮现一个懵懂无知的女孩,独自一人行走在铺着鹅卵石的狭窄、清冷的小巷里,喧嚣的人群在她身后渐渐远去,前面是看不到尽头、沉沉的黑夜。其实每一代人都会有自己的困惑和迷茫,也会有自己需要面对和征服的挑战。年轻的心,常常带着些些的叛逆;而成长的一路上大抵也会品尝寂寞的滋味,会习惯孤独和黑暗。而只有经历过种种,才能拥有属于真正自己的舞台;而或许也只有经历过种种,才会真正懂得先贤们的箴言,那些关于人生的真谛。而成熟后的自己再回望曾经年轻的岁月,那些以为的压抑和沉默、迷茫和无助、孤独和沉寂,也终于能够在对生命的理解与敬畏中一一和解。Thatsplit the night,And touched thesound of silenceAnd in the naked light I saw,Ten thousandpeople, maybe morePeople talking without speaking,People hearingwithout listeningPeoplewriting songs that voices never shareAnd the people bowed and prayed to the neongod they made.Andthe sign flashed out its warning,And the words that it was formingAndthe sign said:"The words of the prophets are written on the subway wallsandtenement halls,And whispered in the sound of silence."