The Piano-Player's Position
Part one : choose chairs
The average pupil sits too close to the keyboard, and as a consequence plays from the elbows in a cramped manner. Such playing always sounds "stuffy" to me, the phrasing is narrow and constrained, and there is a general lack of breadth, freedom, and freshness.
I advise sitting far enough from the keyboard to necessitate an easy and unconstrained reach for the keyboard, so that the elbows instead of poking out behind the back are even with (or a little beyond) the frocy.
Do not permit the shoulders to droop, although a slight tip of the body from the waist forward from an exact perpendicular is best. Swaying the body to and fro is inartistic and unsightly; besides, such motions detract from the playing by squandering energy and power that should be used directly for musical purposes.
I have little use for the revolving stool. One can get no purchase on it. The bench is better if low enough; but the polished surface is objectionable. I have found an ordinary bentwood, cane-seated chair the best, although keyboards differ so in height that such a statement is indefinite.
At any rate I prefer to practice with the inside of the elbow-joint just below the level of the keyboard, by which I gain an advantage when seated at a normal height for public playing.
This manner of practice is excellent for many purposes, chief of which is to permanently shift the center of gravity of the playing apparatus from the forearm to the upper arm. Unless this is accomplished there can be no freedom of motion or breadth and nobility of interpretation.
Some teachers make it a point to have pupils sit low. The elbows should be a trifle above the keyboard rather than below it, so that the performer may have a position of command over his instrument.
The revolving stool is objectionable on account of its instability. Usually, too, it is so loosely made that it "wabbles." Whether a chair or bench is preferable depends upon the robustness of the student.
Personally, I prefer a bench. No one whose physique will not admit of sitting upright without support should undertake a task so arduous as the playing of the piano.
I do not think it wise to call a pupil's attention to his position, unless he shows a tendency to make awkward motions or to assume absurd postures.
The objections to the revolving stool are: 1. It soons (sic) becomes shaky, and sometimes noisy. Some pupils acquire the habit of sitting in a stiff, constrained position on account of a shaky stool. 2. The child turns it up and down, and almost always sits too high.
不提倡使用转椅的原因有:1. 它很容易变得易晃,而且有时候很吵。有些学生由于使用摇晃的座椅形成了坐姿僵硬不自然的习惯。2. 孩子们反复将它调高调低,而且大多坐得过高。
The chair (not revolving) with a back and no side- arms is firm and gives a feeling of stability and confidence, and it usually has a more capacious seat. Its general aspect is more inviting and comfortable. The same advantages are apparent in the case of the bench.
Paderewski uses the chair. Hofmann and Macdowell used a bench.
As to the height,—as a general statement it seems best to have the elbow a bit below the level of the keys. Yet in the case of younger pupils it is liable to lead to the habit of playing with the finger lengthened out flat upon the key. This is particulary (sic) true of the little finger. And it rather emphasizes the tendency to droop the hand upon the frame in front of the keyboard.
The height on a chair or bench can be regulated by using a firm cushion.
As to reach and power, it seems best to sit back far enough to allow a free relaxed condition of the whole arm, the elbows coming a little further front than the shoulders.
As to erectness, inclination, etc. Make only necessary motions, but with sufficient latitude to be graceful. .—William Benbow.